Meet Little Man..
Asher Kyle Fupeng
Asher Kyle Fupeng
Today was what's known in the adoption world as "Gotcha Day." It's a day that you've envisioned in your head over and over again. That day that you've been praying for, hoping for and waiting for. It's when after all the hard months of waiting, a person you've only known through pictures finally becomes real. Even though I've experienced that "moment" twice before..nothing can ever prepare you for that moment. And oh, what a beautiful moment it is. When all of a sudden a little boy who was only a picture to you, becomes reality.. and you instantly fall in love all over again.That's what it felt like to meet Asher today.
Our heartbeats were racing as we rode the elevator to the 5th floor of the building we were in. And right as we stepped off, there he was waiting for us. He was a little shy as he came closer to us, and we were just as nervous as he was! It took a few minutes, but after awhile we all started to get more comfortable with one another. We pulled out the Spiderman backpack full of toys, and the matchbox cars were quite a hit! Asher loved looking at the photo album of his friend Fu Wa AKA Sophie that his mom had sent us. (Jennifer- the orphanage officials enjoyed looking at the book! Asher decided to keep it, but we will give it to the orphanage on Thursday when we visit.)
I'm amazed at the bravery this little boy has. At 7 1/2, he's able to leave behind the only life he's ever known and willingly trust us strangers. He happily said goodbye to the woman who came with him from the orphanage and left without looking back.
We've come all the way to China, so where's the first place we stop to get lunch? Of course, McDonalds! It was Asher's first time at a public restaurant and he got to enjoy his first chicken nuggets, french fries and soda! McDonalds is connected to the local Walmart, so we went on a quick visit inside the store. It's a lot like our Walmarts at home, however I think their seafood selection is a little bit fresher than ours!
Later in the afternoon, we visited the Shenyang zoo. We went on a bus ride through the wildlife park and the boys got to feed the tigers through a window in the bus.
Let me tell you, this little guy is hilarious! He is so happy and joyful! He also has a little bit of an ornery side to him, but that's to be expected. He loves to play and hates sitting still. He can be a little rough at times, but we just have to remind him to be gentle. Asher's lived in an orphanage his whole life so he has no idea what it's like to be in a family. He may be 7 1/2 years old, but emotionally he is more like a 5 year old. He's very inquisitive and wants to explore everything, so we have keep a sharp eye on him.
We've already realized that Asher has very tiny bladder! On our way to the zoo today he had to go to the bathroom, so we pulled over to the side of the road and both he and Ian went at it. Well, less than an hour later he had to go again but there was one problem. We were on the bus in the middle of a nature park with about six hungry tigers sitting outside. (No joke!) So.. he ended up having to pee in an empty water bottle. It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard I about peed my pants!
Size wise, Asher is a few inches shorter than Ian, but just as thin. All of the clothes we brought (size 7's) seem to fit. His feet are bigger than we expected, so he's currently wearing Ian's sandals. I think he's a size 1 which is the same as Ian.
He's very healthy and active. His speech is a bit nasal sounding and our guides have commented that his speech his hard to understand because of his cleft palate. We expected this, and plan on starting him in speech therapy when we get home.
At dinner tonight, we had the waitress ask Asher in Mandarin what he would like to eat for dinner. She told us that his first choice on the menu was a large piece of steak! He doesn't eat a lot, so we didn't want to get him a whole piece of steak because he probably wouldn't finish it all. Instead he got his second choice, which was steamed vegetables and a little off of Ian's and Dad's plates. He ate well and surprisingly, he went for the fork instead of the chopsticks!
Ian has definitely met his match and is so happy. He can't stop smiling and thanking us for his new brother. They are getting along so well and act as if they have known each other their whole lives.
As far as communication goes.. we are communicating! Mostly we use lots of pointing and hand gestures. We've also been coming up with our own "sign language" and attaching certain hand gestures to words like No, Stop, Wait, Yes, etc so he starts to understand better. Our guides Chelsea and Hannah have been a huge help and they are actually staying just a few doors down from us in the hotel. Hannah's 11 year old nephew and Chelsea's 11 year old son are staying with them, so all four boys are getting along great. All four of them are addicted to the gameboy (even Asher who just saw one for the first time today..) so they spend most of their time playing, switching games and helping each other.
We took Asher to the pool after dinner and he had a blast! He was laughing and squealing with delight! He's never been in the pool before, but you'd have never known by the expression on his face!
After the pool, we came back to the room and talked to the kids back at home over Skype. For some reason, the webcam (on their end) is not working so we haven't been able to figure it out yet. Hopefully we do, because Asher was completely confused when he heard their voices coming from the computer screen. Actually, he thought it was his friend Sophie so he kept saying "Wa, Wa" and talking to her. It was cute!
Another thing- Asher's Chinese name (Fu Peng) is actually pronounced Fu Pong. (We have been pronouncing it Fu Pang) But, he's also responding to Asher.
To say we have been blessed would be an understatement. Asher is doing so well and is such a joy. We've had him with us for just under 12 hours and it feels already like we've had him forever. I can't even begin to tell you how cute he is. =)
It's been an awesome day here in Shenyang and we are so thankful to God for blessing us with this little precious boy! Currently, both Ian and Asher are sound asleep.. and both snoring away! I should have remembered my ear plugs!
We miss you all so much, especially Elena, Kayla, Esther and Emma. You girls will love your brother and we can't wait for you to meet him. (If you girls go shopping sometime this week, maybe you can pick him up a pair (or two) of shoes? I'd buy size 2's since he has bigger feet than we were anticipating.)
Well.. time for some shut eye!
Talk to y'all tomorrow!
Sera, Claudio, Nancy, Ian and (finally) Asher!!
Oh man, He is beautiful!!! I'm very happy for your family! I pray it keeps going well. Asher looks like a very special kid!
Congratulations! I'm so glad he's FINALLY in your arms! I can't wait to see how he reacts to his new home and little sisters.
Yipee!!!! He is such a sweetie and if he is anything like Sophie he is a real hoot. I am so excited that he is finally in your arms. Congratulations!
Tears of joy for another blessing added to your family. Enjoy every moment as you get to know each other. He's adorable!
He is adorable. I hope we can use the webcam at some point, too. We are headed to the mall tomorow so we will look into a pair of shoes for him. He looks sooooo happy to be with you guys!!! I wish you guys couldd just come home now and finish all the paperwork at home. Hope y'all get some good sleep tonight. Only like 10 more days. We can not wait to see you again.
The other half of the Manubens crew
man that is amazing. i have goosebumbs from reading and looking at the pictures. he is very special to have you guys as a family. i wish i could be a Manuben. see you guys soon.
Reading... crying....reading... crying! I am so happy for you guys... and wow! To see everything through Asher and Ian's eyes must be just amazing!!! How cute they are together... shows boys will be boys... no matter where they are from. He is going to love America and your family!
Lisa :)
'Asher means happy' and what a happy little brother you have! It's amazing to see and hear how well he's doing already!
Thanks for the great post with tons of pics!
Praying for all of you,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're Gotcha sounds like it went amazingly!!! Asher is so handsome! His adjustments sound like they are going really well! I'm so happy for you!!
MAYOR red thread, just discovered:
I'm the mother of Shen Yan Dan, adopted from Shenzhen SWI in March 2005. I've send you some pictures once with my daughter and Esther, taken in the SWI, remember? Your mother wrote me that she had never seen earlier pictures of Esther (maybe that rings a bell...).
Now: on our travelgroup in 2005 was another Dutch family who adopted a girl, also from Shenzhen SWI. They went back to China last month and adopted a girl from.... Shenyang Liaoning.
No kidding!
Enjoy China!
Mirjam Lambooij
The Netherlands
Sera, what a wonderful post about a wonderful day. I love the photos, especially the one of Ian and Asher holding hands and you with both boys at McDonalds and really all of the photos of Ian and Asher together. They both look so happy and comfortable together.
I loved your comment about the gameboy and its universal attraction to boys. One of my favorite photos from the orphanage in Taiwan this summer is about 6 high school (and older) boys all clustered around one gameboy...
Wow, I thought I could get close to the tigers at the Taipei zoo, but at least the glass didn't open. Weren't you scared the tigers would get Asher through that open window? :)
Keep enjoying your time in China. It seems like everything is great so far!
Asher is so cute. I love the pictures. What am amazing family you have. Asher has the best smile. WOW !
He is such a blessing.
so glad to see that your family finally has Asher!!! Can't wait to see more in future days. Enjoy the rest of your time in China. It was hard to believe I was there only a month ago!
El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin
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