Emmy & Estie with Asher's LOA!

This is what the LOA looks like..

It took 80 days of waiting to receive this form, but it took just under two hours for us to check "yes" and sign and date it before FedEx'ing it back to the agency.

Ian and I drove down to Dad's office (about a 45 minute drive) so he could sign the LOA and we could take it to FedEx and send it off that day. We probably only had the LOA in our possession for about 2 hours before we sent it right back off! But at least we have that part taken care of!

We celebrated the next day with a little cake.
7-7-07 stands for the day we got the LOA.. but it was actually signed by China on Dad's birthday, the 5th!
So now, we're waiting again. We're assuming our LOA was sent back to China on Wednesday the 11th.. so we've already been waiting about eight days. I'm going to make a prediction and guess that our TA will arrive on Friday, the 27th.. that would be just under three weeks. Hey.. I can hope, can't I??
P.S. We got out visa's back from the Chinese Embassay.. so we're all set to go!!
Yea! I'm glad you remembered to check yes, I forgot ;-). Hopefully TA will come quickly! We are praying hard over here. Jennifer
Yeah! One step closer! I love the photos. Ian looks so happy- I bet he is really looking forward to a brother in his house full of sisters. You are so CLOSE now.
A huge congrats to you guys! He'll be home soon!!!!
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